We’re here to help you learn the secrets of financial aid - the kind of advice families pay advisors thousands of dollars for. Find the best scholarships. Appeal for more financial aid. And make smarter decisions about student loans. All for free.
The Smarter Path to College
Choosing the right college
Find the right college. Choosing a college is about more than the name on the diploma. Develop your short list. Rank your priorities. Enjoy the journey.
When you receive admission, you may or may not receive financial aid from the university. In both cases, you can take action to increase the amount of aid you are receiving and reduce the sticker price of your education.
There are hundreds of scholarships you can apply to. However, you have a limited amount of time. Therefore, it's important to prioritize which scholarships you are applying to. This approach will maximize the amount you can receive through scholarships.
The federal government allocates some money to help students pay for their college tuition. Unfortunately, with the rising price of education, you cannot always expect your federal loans to cover all of your expenses. Private student loans are often used to fill the gap and ensure you have the funds needed to attend college.